Goals and Taking One Day at a Time

Hey there friends.
It’s been a while… Heh. I’ve been really good about posting more on my personal blog and I’ve let this one go a little bit. But that is about to change!!!

I’ve started making goals for my life, looking a couple months at a time so I don’t go crazy jumping too far ahead.
I figure that moving forward is better than continually sliding back into old habits that die hard. I over think things too much and this is something I know about myself and can sense when it’s happening. So rather than try to avoid it, I’m trying to find something to replace the nervous thoughts.

I need to be happy where I’m at, I can’t keep wanting things that I don’t have. So I’ve decided to make a plan, I am going to start working my way up to running a half marathon. I ran my first ever 5k last summer, and it was a blast. I’ve been biking through the winter, and running on occasion while doing some upper body strength training on the side.

Since the middle of July I have biked about 1,500 miles through rain, snow, wind, and what have you.
It’s been an incredible journey and I have learned so much about myself and the world around me. My bike has truly served me well.


At the beginning of the new year I jotted down a few things I really wanted to accomplish, and for accountabilitys sake, I’m going to share them with you all.
Here goes:

2015 Fitness Goals

-Finish training for and run a 10k (this summer)
-Bike to Des Moines
-Begin training hills for Bix (want to run summer 2016)
-Train for longer distance running in general (1/2 marathon)
-Continue working on flexibility and upper body strength with yoga

The basic idea is I want to keep moving forward. I also need to get better about cooking my own food again. I’ve been slacking.
I’m taking one day at a time, and I think that’s okay. I’m staying active by biking every day, and I’ve been waking up early and working on my upper body strength and flexibility pretty consistently over the past couple months. Let’s keep it up!
Here’s to accomplishing my goals! Onward, 2015!


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